Kamis, 18 Maret 2021

Command Sentence (kalimat perintah)

Hello everyone. How are you today? Pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan memberikan penjelasan mengenai kalimat command and request. Dalam bahasa indonesia command berari  perintah. mari kita langsung saja simak penjelasan command sentence.

Command Sentence (kalimat perintah)
  • Command merupakan kalimat yang tegas dan biasanya diakhiri dengan exclamation (!) atau tanda seru karena sifatnya yang memerintahkan seseorang. Misalnya 'Listen!' atau 'Close the door!'
  • Command digunakan untuk menyatakan keinginan dari pembicara kepada lawan bicara
  • Command dapat berupa sebuah larangan, misalnya: 'Don't swim too far!' atau 'Don't step the grass!'
  • Kalimat command selalu dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense, yang berarti selalu menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama atau verb 1.
Contoh Kalimat Command
  1. Go away! (pergi sana!)
  2. Close the door! (tutup pintunya!)
  3. Listen to the teacher! (dengarkan guru!)
  4. Be careful! (hati-hati!)
  5. Be nice! (jadilah baik!)
  6. Be quite please! (tolong diam!)
  7. Don't touch me! (jangan sentuh aku!)
  8. Don't swim to far! (jangan berenang terlalu jauh!)
  9. Don't eat my foods! (jangan makan makananku!)
  10. Don't step on the grass! (jangan menginjak rumput!

          1. Soal Latihan Command and Request

  1. Switch off           Don’t talk            Brush
    Read                    Don’t swim        Do not
    Don’t play           Go                       Help
    Don’t feed           Drive                   Clean
    Follow                 Don’t be late       Do

    1. __________upstairs!
    2. __________football in the yard!
    3. __________your mobiles!
    4. __________during the lesson!
    5. __________your teeth!
    6. __________the instructions!
    7. __________in this lake!
    8. __________for school!
    9. __________the animals in the zoo!
    10. __________ your homework!
    11. __________the instructions !
    12. __________ slowly!
    13. __________be silly!
    14. __________ yourself!
    15. __________ your room!

7 komentar:

  1. Nama:Amira
    kls: 5

    1.Don't swim upstairs!
    2.Go foodball in the yard!
    3.swictch off your mobiles
    4.Don't talkduring the lesson
    5.Drive your teeht!
    6.Do the instructions!
    7.Follow in this like
    8.Don't be late for school!
    9.Don't feed the animals in the zoo!
    10.Brush your homework!
    11.Tidak the instructions !
    12.Read slowly!
    13.Help be silly!
    14.Help yourself!
    15.Clean your room!

  2. 1. Don't Play Upstairs!
    2. Help Football In the Yard1
    3. Drive Your Mobiles!
    4. Don't Talk Durring The Lesson!
    5. Brush Your teeth!
    6. Switch Off Instructions!
    7. Don't Swim In This Lake!
    8. Don't Be late for school!
    9. Don't Feed The Animal In The Zoo!
    10. Read Your Homework!
    11. Follow the Instructions!
    12. Do Slowly!
    13. Do Not Silly!
    14. Go Yourself!
    15. Clean Your room!

  3. Yang Diatas Komentar Ini Yukio

  4. Nama:Shafwaan
    kls: 5

    1.Don't swim upstairs!
    2.Go foodball in the yard!
    3.swictch off your mobiles
    4.Don't talkduring the lesson
    5.Drive your teeht!
    6.Do the instructions!
    7.Follow in this like
    8.Don't be late for school!
    9.Don't feed the animals in the zoo!
    10.Brush your homework!
    11.Tidak the instructions !
    12.Read slowly!
    13.Help be silly!
    14.Help yourself!
    15.Clean your room!

  5. 1.don`t swim uptairs!
    2.Go foodball in the yard!
    3.swictch off your mobiles
    4.Don't talkduring the lesson
    5.Drive your teeht!
    6.Do the instructions!
    7.Follow in this like
    8.Don't be late for school!
    9.Don't feed the animals in the zoo!
    10.Brush your homework!
    11.Tidak the instructions !
    12.Read slowly!
    13.Help be silly!
    14.Help yourself!
    15.Clean your room!
